Cronenberg III: The Brood – Look How You’ve Grown

The Brood – The Monstrous Birth by Jessica Pyle In Cronenberg’s previous works there has been a propensity to use ideas of repression, female sexuality and use of the body to examine fears of the female body and particularly the womb and its abject nature. These concepts are also used to introduce nods to the … Continue reading Cronenberg III: The Brood – Look How You’ve Grown


David Cronenberg’s films often seem on the surface to be rather simplistic gore or horror films, for example The Fly in which Seth Brundle’s monstrous half-fly, half-human body

The Other

The extent the Italian zombie and cannibal exploitation films use the zombie/cannibal as Other and other techniques to explore Italian political and social tensions of the time with particular focus on Cannibal Holocaust and Zombie Flesh Eaters.